November Director's Message
Exciting things are happening at Tekonsha Township Library! On October 30th we had a good turn-out for author Robert Magness. Mr. Magness gave an interesting talk on the Korean War and signed books afterward. Refreshments were furnished by M & M Kakes and Katering and were delicious!
Pre-School Story Time will be on Monday, November 22nd at 9:30 AM. We may be having a surprise guest!!!
We are adding an After School Movie night (with a special move) especially for Kindergartners! The Kindergarten movie will be November 17th, right after school. PSSST! If you are not yet in Kindergarten you can still come with a parent!
After School movie night for 1st thru 3rd grades will be November 16th and for 4th thru 6th grade, November 18th.
Our Adult Book Club is reading Stephen King's Gunslinger this month. Copies are available at the Circulation Desk. Everyone is welcome!
There will be no Adult Movie Night during November and December due to the holidays. Adult Movie Night will resume in January, 2011.